Live Online Mall: Small Town Roots, Military Journey, Online Adventure

Hico, Texas, population 1,342 – that's where my story begins. A quintessential small town where everyone knew everyone, and my 1990 graduating class was a tight-knit group of (give or take a few!). After a brief stint at college, I felt adrift and craved direction. Joining the military, an initially unconventional decision, became a turning point. Despite my initial reservations, the military instilled a strong sense of purpose and discipline.

Six years of active duty, followed by 18 years in the reserves with deployments counting as an additional 10 years, filled my service record. My travels during deployment even gave me a taste of the world beyond Hico. Now settled in Indiana, I share this wisdom with my children: "Choose your home, don't just settle." See the world, explore your options, then find your perfect place.

From Service to Storefront

My military experience also fostered a love for organization, logistics, and finding solutions. These skills, combined with my desire for a career that offered flexibility and the ability to "choose my home," naturally led me to the world of online retail. It allows me to curate a selection of products I believe in, connect with customers who share my values, and all from the comfort of my own (chosen) home.

My quirky humor and the patriotic items you see here reflect both my small-town upbringing and the deep sense of patriotism instilled by my military service. As a veteran, I understand the struggles faced by many, and I'm all in for supporting veterans and spreading the love through my online business.